Please contact me directly if you would like my full academic CV. A brief overview is given below:
Employment and Education
Reader (Associate Professor) in Astrophysics, Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), UK (2024--).
Senior Lecturer (Assistant/Associate Professor) in Exoplanets, Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), UK (2023--2024).
Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Exoplanets, Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), UK (2022--2023).
Winton Fellow & Lecturer in Exoplanets, Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), UK (2020--2022).
Winton Fellow, University of Cambridge, UK (2018-2020).
Research Associate in Experimental Astrophysics, University of Cambridge, UK (2015-2018).
Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology Fellow, House of Lords, UK Parliament (10/2014-01/2015).
PhD student in Astrophysics, University of Oxford, UK (2011-2015).
Officer Cadet, Northumbrian Universities Air Squadron, Royal Air Force, Volunteer Reserve (2007-2010).
Masters in Physics and Astronomy, University of Durham, UK (2006-2010).
International Collaborations
- I lead two teams to detect and characterise young planets and test origin of life scenarios:
NGTS Clusters Survey (2017--).
Planets and Stellar Activity through Time collaboration (2021--).
- I participate in various efforts focused on detecting and characterising young stars and planets, as well as probing astrobiology and prebiotic chemistry:
ESA's PLATO mission. Lead of Young Stars and Planets working group (2023--).
TESS Follow-up Observing Program (TFOP) member (2022--).
ESA's ARIEL mission. Member of Prebiotic Chemistry and Astrobiology Working Group (2021--).
Haydn mission concept for ESA M7 mission. Contributing Scientist for the Exoplanet Science Team (2021--).
Anchoring Planet Evolution through Time. Co-I (2020--).
Universal Life Initiative (2016--).
Next-Generation Transit Survey. Member of core science team and Management Board (2015--).
K2 Young Suns Survey. Co-I (2014-2017).
Coordinated Synoptic Investigation of NGC 2264. Co-I (2011-2015).
ESA's CoRoT mission (2011-2015).
- 65 papers on stars, planets and life (6 first author, 9 second author, 8 third author); 2300+ citations; h-index 23; full list here.
- Highlights include:
Photosynthesis under a red Sun: predicting the absorption characteristics of an extraterrestrial light-harvesting antenna (Duffy, Canchon, Haworth, Gillen et al. 2023)
Periodic stellar variability from almost a million NGTS light curves (Briegal, Gillen et al. 2022)
NGTS clusters survey - I. Rotation in the young benchmark open cluster Blanco 1 (Gillen et al. 2020).
Statistical analysis of Curiosity data shows no evidence for a strong seasonal cycle of martian methane (Gillen et al. 2020).
NGTS-10b: the shortest period hot Jupiter yet discovered (McCormac, Gillen et al. 2020).
NGTS-4b: A sub-Neptune transiting in the desert (West, Gillen et al. 2019).
The origin of RNA precursors on exoplanets (Rimmer, Xu, Thompson, Gillen et al. 2018).
New low-mass eclipsing binary systems in Praesepe discovered by K2 (Gillen et al. 2017).
A low-mass exoplanet candidate detected by K2 transiting the Praesepe M dwarf JS 183 (Pepper, Gillen et al. 2017).
Seminars and conference presentations
- 43 presentations (12 invited seminars, 18 conference talks and 13 poster presentations).
- Highlights include:
Probing the early evolution of stellar and planetary systems (Colloquia, Universities of Cambridge [2022] and Oxford [2023]).
A dedicated search for young transiting planets (TESS Science Conference II, online, 2021).
Understanding the early evolution of stellar and planetary systems (Seminar, Imperial College London UK, 2019).
Young planets, brown dwarfs and eclipsing binaries in Praesepe (Contributed talk, Dwarfs Stars and Clusters with K2, USA, 2018).
A Neptune transiting in the desert (Poster, Exoplanets II, UK, 2018).
A low-mass exoplanet candidate detected by K2 transiting an M dwarf in Praesepe (Poster, Exoplanets I, Switzerland, 2016).
Young planets and eclipsing binaries in the K2 clusters (Contributed talk, K2 meeting, Portugal, 2016).
Constraining the early stages of binary star evolution with young eclipsing binaries (Contributed talk, Cool Stars 18, USA, 2014).
The first low-mass, pre-main sequence eclipsing binary with evidence of a circumbinary disk (Contributed talk, The Space Photometry Revolution, France, 2014; view).
Telescope proposals and observing
- 31 successful proposals on large ground- and space-based observatories, 9 as Principal Investigator (PI) and 22 as Co-Investigator (Co-I).
- 19,000 targets awarded on space observatories and 1,800 nights awarded on ground-based observatories.
- Highlights include:
Planets and stellar activity through time (PI: NASA's TESS mission; 16,925 targets to date).
The K2 young Suns survey (Co-I: NASA's Kepler/K2 mission; 1102 targets).
Unveiling the origin of a unique transit feature on a young star (PI: NTT/ULTRACAM, Chile).
Characterising hot Neptunes and super-Earths from the NGTS survey (Co-I: ESO-3.6m/HARPS, Chile).
Probing the transition between ice giants and gas giants with the NGTS Survey (Co-I: ESO-3.6m/HARPS, Chile).
Spectroscopic characterisation of pre-main sequence eclipsing binaries in NGC 2264 (PI: WHT/ISIS, La Palma).
- 16 nights observing experience on large ground-based telescopes (6 nights joint, 10 nights solo):
10 nights, William Herschel Telescope, ISIS, La Palma. Solo observer (2012-2014).
6 nights, Isaac Newton Telescope, IDS, La Palma (2012).
Supervision and Teaching
- I have supervised 28 postgraduate and undergraduate students:
5 PhDs (2015--), 10 Masters (2016--) and 13 undergraduate Bachelors students (2018--).
- Undergraduate, postgraduate and secondary school teaching:
Lecturer, Exoplanets and Astrophysical Discs (Masters course), QMUL (2022--)
Module Associate (tutor), Our Universe (1st year undergraduate course), QMUL (2020--).
Module Associate, Physics of Galaxies (3rd year undergraduate course), QMUL (2021--2022).
Deputy Module Organiser, Solar System (Masters course), QMUL (2020--2021).
PhD and MPhil viva examiner, PhD probationary reviewer, and undergraduate research project examiner (2019--).
Demonstrator in undergraduate physics laboratories (2012-2013).