Please contact me directly if you would like my full academic CV.  A brief overview is given below:

Employment and Education

International Collaborations

- I lead two teams to detect and characterise young planets and test origin of life scenarios:

- I participate in various efforts focused on detecting and characterising young stars and planets, as well as probing astrobiology and prebiotic chemistry:


- 65 papers on stars, planets and life (6 first author, 9 second author, 8 third author); 2300+ citations; h-index 23; full list here

- Highlights include:

Seminars and conference presentations

- 43 presentations (12 invited seminars, 18 conference talks and 13 poster presentations). 

- Highlights include:

Telescope proposals and observing

- 31 successful proposals on large ground- and space-based observatories, 9 as Principal Investigator (PI) and 22 as Co-Investigator (Co-I).

- 19,000 targets awarded on space observatories and 1,800 nights awarded on ground-based observatories. 

- Highlights include:

- 16 nights observing experience on large ground-based telescopes (6 nights joint, 10 nights solo):

Supervision and Teaching

-  I have supervised 28 postgraduate and undergraduate students:

Undergraduate, postgraduate and secondary school teaching: